The intervals from both of the monitor hoops towards the monitor instance ought be the same. Make sure the three hands are suitably set and the covering of the face and hands of the monitor is soft without any black spot.2. Check the sensitivity. Shake softly the monitor which has not been winded higher and has stagnated operating, and otherwise suppose how the second hand ticks with the addition of the shaking. If the second hand ceases operating within none moment, otherwise it shall be able towards suspending ticking as before long as the monitor is winded higher, and the emotion is high. In evaluate, whether the second hand retains ticking for a prolonged moment, otherwise it shall not be able towards suspend as before long as the monitor is winded higher, and the emotion is low, or there is something inaccurate with the Swiss watch.
Check the procedure of each hand and the space among them. There ought be definite interval between the face and the hands and among the three hands, or they shall graze one another, which shall affect the usual operating of the watch.4. Check the twisting mechanism. Normal watches inhalation easily. When twisting higher, you ought firstly contact it adrift, and otherwise tight. When you can't go onto turning over the button, which processes the monitor has been fully winded higher and the twisting equipment is within toiling order. On the opposing, whether there is unusual clatter after you revolve the button, otherwise the twisting equipment is out of order.5. Check the hand background system. A tall quality Swiss monitor ought be flexible and very reliable and the hands ought curve steadily after you are background the hands.
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