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designer_replica (Louis Vuitton)LV 4225 watch Let say you bought a gold bracelet for $200, when selling gold, don’t expect to receive the full amount you paid.Jewelry has a high mark-up when it is sold to cover the costs of production, overhead and to make a profit. Gold buyers must also pay to have their gold refined which means less payout to the one selling gold. If you sold a bracelet that you paid $200 for, you could expect to receive about $50 to $100 in return. Depending on your situation that still a nice amount of money.Selling Gold: Find A BuyerNow that you’re ready to start selling gold your next step is to find a buyer. Some buyer will give you an appraisal before you send in your gold. It also a good idea to take some clear photographs of everything you intend to sell.Using the internet and find gold buyers is really very easy. Just remember to find out how much they pay for a pennyweight (dwt). designer_replica (Louis Vuitton)LV 4225 watch If they will not provide you with this information then do not send your gold to that company. Another alternative is to get an official appraisal from a jeweler or a qualified individual. This will give you a fair idea of what you should expect to receive.The Price Of GoldAnother tip to selling gold is to be sure to keep an eye on the price of gold. The prices fluctuate daily, and gold isn’t immune to occasionally drastic changes. Gold buyers may be aware of sudden price changes, and they may use that information to get a quick profit from you. You wouldn’t want to get taken advantage of.Again, photographing your gold is important because you may choose to have your pieces returned and they could come back missing or broken. Photocopy any certificates and ***work that can be used to authenticate or identify your gold pieces. Also make sure to insure your package when you mail it. You can use the tracking feature of most shipping companies to monitor the progress of your order.Now What?Selling gold is easy and, honestly, somewhat fun. It profitable too. Now that you’ve researched some buyers, it time put together a deal, complete the transaction and reap the rewards. How else can you make hundreds of dollars simply by clearing out trinkets from the back of the closet designer_replica (Louis Vuitton)LV 4225 watch