
Body Jewelry, Your Most Frequently Asked Questions

Piercing guns are primarily used to pierce ear lobes. The other method is a hollow surgical needle that slices through the skin and makes room for the body jewelry. It may sound painful, but many people report that it is no different than the gun. In addition, the needle suffers less criticism because those who use it have extensive training. The surgical needles are prepared and packaged so they will be sterile and tend to have a less traumatic effect on the piercing site.What kind of tool will be used to pierce my skin?There are two common ways to pierce the body. One, commonly used in chain stores, malls and small time hair salons, is the piercing gun. It is criticized because it is said to produce a ;volcano; around the piercing. This is when tough tissue builds up around the piercing due to the ;blast; with which the gun pierces. There is not a needle on the end of this gun, but rather a pointed starter earring.